ReFRESH Natural Products

All-natural body products and sage bundles crafted with minimal, high-quality ingredients that nourish your skin and soothe your soul – without the clutter of unnecessary additives or packaging.

Simple, pure formulas that give you the care you deserve, free from harsh chemicals and full of nature’s goodness. All in reusable and/or minimal packaging. Available for retail and wholesale. Contact me for orders.

Bath tea…………………………….$5.99

Natural body scrub……………$14.99

Natural body deodorant…..$14.99/$9.99

Honey Lip Scrub……………….$9.99

Antioxidant Facial Tonic……………….$14.99/$9.99

Sage bundles……………………..$24.99

Shop ReFRESH products at a store near you!

Costa Mesa, CA

Fleur De Lys Modern Mercantile

Fountain Valley, CA

Bloom Again

Huntington Beach, CA

You Be Free

Kimber / Alana Real Estate Boutique

Elbow, Saskatchewan – Canada

till & co.